CVC Administration Office
1255 Old Derry Road, Mississauga, ON
  • M. (Michael) Palleschi (Chair)
  • A. (Ann) Lawlor (Vice Chair)
  • T. (Tom) Adams
  • D. (Dipika) Damerla
  • S. (Stephen) Dasko
  • M. (Michael) Dehn
  • C. (Christina) Early
  • D. (Dennis) Keenan
  • M. (Matt) Mahoney
  • F. (Fred) Nix
  • Rick Stevens
  • A. (Alvin) Tedjo

  • Recommended Resolution:

    RESOLVED THAT the agenda be approved as distributed.

  • Recommended Resolution:

    RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the 38th meeting of Credit Valley Source Protection Authority held June 14, 2024 be approved.

A report on the above-mentioned subject as submitted by Behnam Doulatyari, Sr. Manager, Watershed Plans and Source Water Protection; and Josh Campbell, Director, Watershed Management and Development Services is included in the agenda package as Schedule 'A'. 

  • Recommended Resolution:

    WHEREAS there is presently a vacancy on the CTC Source Protection Committee for the public interest sector; and

    WHEREAS the process for approval of new CTC Source Protection Committee members includes endorsement of the prospective members by the lead Source Protection Authority within the area of the CTC Source Protection Region;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report entitled Appointment of Member to the CTC Source Protection Committee be received and appended to the minutes of this meeting as Schedule ‘A’; and further

    THAT the Credit Valley Source Protection Authority endorse Chesley Blahut as member of the CTC Source Protection Committee for a term of five years, commencing September 14, 2024 and expiring September 13, 2029.

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